Digital Gyro Repeater IR361

Product Description

IR361 is a digital gyro repeater that displays the heading angle in the LED segment display and indicates the rate of turn (ROT) with 30 dual-color surrounding LEDs.

The IR361 will display heading angle given by the HDT message from a gyro or other equipment (NMEA 0183) and indicate ROT by calculating change in heading based on the HDT input and the time between each message. 

Measurement L220mm×W170mm×H63mm
Power supply 18VDC to DC33VDC
Display 1 line with 7 segments 30 × 20 mm
Cut-out dimensions 124x124 mm. Bracket or panel mounting
Inputs NMEA0183 protocols
Sentence: $--HDT,x.x,T*hh<CR><LF>

Brochure Download

Brochure IR361.pdf

Operation and Installation Manual Download

Manual IR361.pdf



Brochure Download

Brochure IR361.pdf

Operation and Installation Manual Download

Manual IR361.pdf

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